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LTJG Krista Jawdy Quevedo, NSCC

LTJG Quevedo grew up in a military family. Her great grandparents, grandparents and uncles were in the Navy, Army and Air Force, she found naval history very interesting as she was growing up. LTJG Quevedo went to college for early childhood education. She is a Certified Emergency Dispatcher and a Certified Florida Evaluator. LTJG Quevedo works for the PBC Property Appraiser's office a little over 8 years now. Prior to that she worked in the administrative/financial department for a printing company. LTJG Quevedo has 4 kids and 3 of them have been in or are currently in the Sea Cadets.

LTJG Quevedo found out about the Sea Cadets when her daughter asked to join back in 2016. Her oldest 2 joined the Sea Cadets and now they are both in the Army. LTJG Quevedo eventually ended up joining the program back in June of 2018 as Auxiliary, and a short time after that she became an Admin Officer. A couple of years after that she became the Executive Officer of the unit. LTJG Quevedo now serves as the Commanding Officer of the Boca Delray Division, Admin Officer for the Training Group Southeast 01. She has always enjoyed working with kids. LTJG Quevedo enjoys mentoring children and seeing them grow, especially watching them when they finally achieve their goals.

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